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Re: Ctrl V

#211 Postby Hari » Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:51 am

(Not me. I depress him.)

Sorry Spar. >_>;

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Re: Ctrl V

#212 Postby SparDanger » Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:39 pm


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Re: Ctrl V

#213 Postby Hari » Wed Jul 07, 2010 5:23 am


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Re: Ctrl V

#214 Postby Pokota » Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:33 pm


Before any of the girls could object, King held his hand up to his temple. Moments later, Kota did the same thing.

The three girls just stared. What were the two crazy buffaloes doing? They were staring intently at... nobody, occasionally moving their lips as though talking, but no sound was coming out. A Torobbie hopped by. Out of sheer boredom, Nanoha started swatting at it. It took four hits for the ball of fluff to finally perish, and as it died in a rather lackluster poof of nothingness, out flew a piece of paper that looked oddly like an entry application.

Nanoha grabbed for it. It WAS an entry application. A perfectly blank entry application. She went over to the other two girls... who were just staring at her.

"What?" she asked, fingering her necklace nervously.

Usagi just gulped, but Hikaru said "Did... did you see that?"


Nanoha frowned. "What?" she asked again, a little more forcefully than she probably meant to.

"When you attacked that Torobbie," Usagi gulped "we saw the number twenty fly out of it."

Kota (who had been listening to the girls' conversation while doing... whatever he had been doing) broke his stance and went over to the girls. "That's what that number King was talking about earlier was about. It's part of the magic of the island - all can learn to see the Numbers of Life as players and monsters alike do battle with each other. It comes easier for those who have the potential to become Enlightened, but most people can see the Numbers before they get into any real trouble."

As he was explaining this, what looked like a bouncy red ball of fuzz zoomed past, followed by Esther. "GET BACK HERE! I NEED THOSE SOCKS!"

Before anyone could react, the red ball of fuzz was stopped by a person teleporting in. She raised her staff of wood and intoned a spell. "<font color=#888888>Βέλος μαγικού, απεργία αληθινή!</font>"

From the air above the interloper's head appeared an arrow of purest white, that seemed to glow. It spun in the air for a second, then shot straight for the stunned red ball of fuzz. As the arrow pierced the fuzzball, there was a small explosion of white fog. Out of the fuzzball appeared a pair of socks.

The three girls were stunned into silence. Esther walked over to the interloper and shook her hand. "Heca, thank you for that. The little Totocchi almost got away with the new socks."

King, however, ran into and tackle-hugged Heca. "Heca! You came after all! And where's your tail and horns?"

Kota and Esther just rolled their eyes and turned to the three girls, if just to avoid watching the lovey-dovey couple that could out-sweet pure cane sugar. Nanoha recovered first and gave Esther the empty application. "Here, miss Esther, here's my application!"

As Esther smiled and accepted the little sheep's item, a glow of yellow surrounded each of the three girls. Kota grinned and laughed. "Your first level-up! Way to go, girls!"

Each of the three girls repeated the strange phrase. "Level-up?"

Kota slapped his head. "I forgot, you're all new here. As you survive here on the island, you eventually grow stronger to suit the, um, suits you came in. The island grows you, in a way, but you can choose some of how you grow. For example, I chose speed while King over there chose power. Don't think too hard about it, just envision how you want to grow."

Each of the three girls closed their eyes and did just that. The yellow glow around each of the girls changed a little, to reflect their decisions...
Usagi saw herself becoming a warrior of stealth and secrecy, fighting with a discerning eye to see the weaknesses of her enemies. She also envisioned herself carrying the world on her shoulders, but not in the same way her mother often did...

Around her, the yellow turned into a purple aura tinged with gold. Her eyes hurt from trying to explain that to her brain.
Hikaru's vision was that of a beautiful singer, admired around the worlds. She saw herself fighting on behalf of her friends and family, taking blows that would fell lesser men and women so that others could escape, so that one day she could repay her debts...


Around her, the yellow deepened into the orange of the sunset. A gentle smile formed on her face.
Nanoha looked into her future, and saw a master of the wind and thunder, but also a keeper of the light. With endless reserves of magic and endurance, she would once more beat her enemies into submission, and also befriend them at the same time...

Around her, the yellow changed into the same greenish-blue as the sea. Her mouth formed words she couldn't pronounce.
The glows strengthened, and then faded away. King and Heca had joined Kota in the welcoming of the three girls to the island. "A Sheep, a Fox, and a Cat." Heca said quietly. "Do you know if they've met their Teachers yet?"

Kota shook his head. "They've just gotten here. They wouldn't know how to find their Teachers yet."

Esther held up a hand to silence the experienced trio. "Don't you three have something you need to be doing over in the Wharf? Get going before I shoo you forcefully. Don't forget I have some Eagle Powers left."


The two buffaloes and Heca each grabbed a small black box and pressed a button, then they disappeared in a burst of pale golden light. Esther turned to the Three Girls. "Now, we just need you to get Bunny Maid to fill this out for you. She's really finicky about stuff, too. She won't do it unless you bring her a pen. I could lend you mine, but I think it'll be better for you three to go hunt one down. You need to find some Totocchis and get the pens from them. Be careful, and don't be afraid to back off if you get in over your head."

Usagi and Hikaru started to dash off in search of the red balls of fuzz, but Nanoha remained behind. "Umm, excuse me, could you tell me how I-"

"The Magic Arrow spell that Heca used? I can't help you with that, but your Teacher will be able to. Come back with a pen and maybe the Skill Shrine will be open."
Let's all play Pokemon Crystal!
At the base of Mimir’s Well, at the foot of the World Tree Yggdrasil, there can be found an eye that had been removed from it’s owner’s face.

“Gross.” commented Fletcher.

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Re: Ctrl V

#215 Postby SparDanger » Sun Aug 22, 2010 10:11 am


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Re: Ctrl V

#216 Postby Pokota » Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:26 pm

It came out of nowhere. A split-second decision to follow him after the latest skirmish.

Ami wasn't the best at being stealthy, but compared to Usagi (a total klutz) and Rei (who was better suited for shows of raw power than stealth and secrecy), she was the best one for the job. That, and she was the only one that could actually track Nephrite.

She grinned at the thought of using the Shabon Spray to 'hide'. In the middle of the day like this, a Shabon Spray's mist would be the same as announcing "Here's Sailor Mercury, trying to be sneaky!" at the top of her lungs.

That's when she saw it. The mansion in the woods. She switched her visor from normal vision to a false-color that showed the flow of magical energy... definitely some magic at work here, to keep people from finding the place by accident. Lots of Voyance Mana, too; apparently Nephrite used magic to determine the next attack. The place was built like an european cathedral, which apparently aided the flow of magic for what purposes Nephrite needed it for.

With a quick motion, she dismissed her visor. She needed to be able to see where she was leaping, and the transmitter wouldn't be any use if it was noticed. It was a small black chip, no larger than the nail on her thumb, connected to her palmtop by a nearly undetectable thread of mana. With all the Voyance Mana in the air, the only way to know that there was an intrusion would be a total cut-off of magic.

She froze in place as she heard a gust of wind from inside the cathedral. A blonde-haired man with a ponytail had just appeared inside. Pulling out her palmtop from the pocket dimension she kept it in, and connecting a small earpiece to it, she was able to overhear the conversation between the two generals.

"...Beryl is getting impatient with you, Nephrite. You promised results that would make Jadeite's successes seem like nothing, and yet your best operation has yet to exceed the worst results Jadeite had ever gotten."

"Quality versus quantity, Zoicite. I may not be able to bring in much, but there are two differences between how I do things and how Jadeite did things. First of all, Metallia has yet to reject any of the energy I have been able to deliver. Secondly and more importantly, my failures have been because I am only a distraction to the Sailor Senshi. It is your job that is the more important of ours. I see you still have yet to find any clues as to the whereabouts of the Ginzuishou."

"I refuse to believe your theory, Masato Sanjoin!" The syllables of the assumed name were spat out with such acid, Ami was surprised she didn't hear the hiss of chemically-burned flesh. "If all it took was love, then me and Kunzite could have-"

"Pure love, not just physical lust. I will not curse what you and Kunzite share, I think it's a beautiful thing that two people could be as close as you and Kunzite. In any case, you know the situation better than I do, both in and out of Beryl's court. Tell our queen that I will remain on Energy Collection only as long as she will permit me, but that I will continue to do things my way."

Ami held a hand to her mouth. Dissent in the ranks of the enemy could be very helpful. There was another sound of rushing wind, then the scratching of chalk on the floor. Listening closely, Ami resumed her reconnaisence mission.

"Stars, show me how best to get me out of this mess. It will not be long before Beryl realizes that I'm providing bad results on purpose. I seek only to keep the Great Shield empowered, not to further Beryl's revenge against innocent people that wouldn't even remember what happened..."

Crack. Crack crack crack. Ami didn't hear the roof start to give way, she was too focused on what Nephrite was saying. She had always thought that the enemy was pure evil, incapable of wanting to protect people...

Crash! Nephrite's plea to the stars was interrupted by the blue-haired girl landing in the middle of the floor. Before he could react, though, Mercury held up a hand. "Hold your fire, I didn't come here to start a fight. We both seem to want the same thing - to protect the lives of the innocent. Can there be peace between us?"

Nephrite discarded his disguise as Masato Sanjoin. "You're very good to have breached my barriers and found this place. Did you follow me, or were you just curious about these woods?"

Ami chose to ignore the question. "Do we have a truce, at least?"

"I need to keep up ap-"

"DO WE HAVE A TRUCE?" Sailor Mercury was starting to lose her cool. We could help him so much, but he's still worried about this Beryl person.

The forcefulness of the question drove the doubt from Nephrite's mind. This was no accidental meeting. He asked the stars to guide his path, and here it was staring him in the face. "Yes. We have a truce."

Sailor Mercury shook hands with Nephrite. "Then follow me."
Let's all play Pokemon Crystal!
At the base of Mimir’s Well, at the foot of the World Tree Yggdrasil, there can be found an eye that had been removed from it’s owner’s face.

“Gross.” commented Fletcher.

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Re: Ctrl V

#217 Postby dann123 » Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:00 pm

kya tho bhi hai yeh ? dialogue movie

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Re: Ctrl V

#218 Postby SparDanger » Wed Dec 22, 2010 10:32 am

. :iconblushyplz:

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Re: Ctrl V

#219 Postby SparDanger » Sat Jan 08, 2011 3:55 pm


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Re: Ctrl V

#220 Postby SparDanger » Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:47 pm

A revived request thread. Another try. *.*
Copy and paste this into your post. Be sure to fill in the proper information please. :D

Code: Select all

  • Type: The type of image you want. Sig, avatar, button, user-bar, stamp and so on
    Pictures: the picture or pictures you want in the image
    Colors: The colors you want the request to be
    Text: What you want the image to say
    Size: the size of said image
    Style: what style you want it in. Grunge, abstract, Galaxy, Lightning, Retro or Tech. (These can be combined as well.)
Grunge: Image Abstract: Image Galaxy: Image Lightning: Image
Retro: Image Tech: Image

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Re: Ctrl V

#221 Postby SparDanger » Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:54 pm


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Re: Ctrl V

#222 Postby SparDanger » Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:20 pm

Ctrl V

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Re: Ctrl V

#223 Postby SparDanger » Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:08 am

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Re: Ctrl V

#224 Postby Hari » Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:05 pm


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Re: Ctrl V

#225 Postby Imoen » Mon Jun 27, 2011 5:37 pm

I used to think that you were pure
But now I see that you're just empty
Oh, lie to me, it's the new poetry
It's the language that we speak
I've become numb
I've become numb

You know I love you, but you might be the death of me
Hold me down, suffocating, please let me breathe
Kiss kiss, lights out, I've got to, we've got to,
You know I loved you but you're gonna be the death of me

I've got to tear away from you
I left you bruised, you left me broken
Oh, don't try to speak, if you do one thing for me
Make yourself numb
Just make yourself numb

You know I love you, but you might be the death of me
Hold me down, suffocating, please let me breathe
Kiss kiss, lights out, I've got to, we've got to,
You know I loved you but you're gonna be the death of me

You know I love you, but you might be the death of me
Hold me down, suffocating, please let me breathe
Kiss kiss, lights out, I've got to, we've got to,
You know I loved you but you're gonna, you gonna
You know I love you, you might be me the death of me
Might be the death of me
Oh you know might be the death of me
Oh you might be the death of me
You might be death
Says you might death of me
PI, full of nostalgia

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