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#331 Postby Jlyons » Fri Sep 14, 2007 11:18 pm

In a word... Aeonsoft.

I think that about covers it. XD

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#332 Postby Dan » Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:18 pm

^ Ditto what Jlyons said.
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#333 Postby Hari » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:19 pm

On FlyFF, some guy asked me to join his party, but I told him I was waiting for a friend, so he PKed me, shouting "PK!" over and over. :x

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#334 Postby Dan » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:19 pm

Nintendo wi-fi connection.
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#335 Postby SparDanger » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:21 pm

On FlyFF, some guy asked me to join his party, but I told him I was waiting for a friend, so he PKed me, shouting "PK!" over and over. :x
That asshat! What level and class was he? :x

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#336 Postby Hari » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:24 pm

On FlyFF, some guy asked me to join his party, but I told him I was waiting for a friend, so he PKed me, shouting "PK!" over and over. :x
That asshat! What level and class was he? :x
I dunno, but he looked like a Billposter, or knight.

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#337 Postby Dan » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:29 pm

Was he holding a large 2handed weapon?
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#338 Postby SparDanger » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:53 pm

I'm pissed at the people doing construction by our Grandparent's house. Mainly because it caused the well's point to get clogged with dirt when they tore up the road.

So, we have no water, the driveway is almost always blocked off AND the City construction SHOULD pay for the damages they caused! But they won't! Forcing my Grandparents to buy a new point and such. :x :x :x

Load of bullshit... <.<

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#339 Postby Hari » Wed Sep 19, 2007 10:56 pm

Was he holding a large 2handed weapon?
I dunno, I ws too busy running from him to check.
I'm pissed at the people doing construction by our Grandparent's house. Mainly because it caused the well's point to get clogged with dirt when they tore up the road.

So, we have no water, the driveway is almost always blocked off AND the City construction SHOULD pay for the damages they caused! But they won't! Forcing my Grandparents to buy a new point and such. :x :x :x

Load of bull... <.<

That sucks. I'm sorry to hear that. :(

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#340 Postby Ultimarad » Thu Sep 20, 2007 3:44 am

I'm pissed at the people doing construction by our Grandparent's house. Mainly because it caused the well's point to get clogged with dirt when they tore up the road.

So, we have no water, the driveway is almost always blocked off AND the City construction SHOULD pay for the damages they caused! But they won't! Forcing my Grandparents to buy a new point and such. :x :x :x

Load of bull... <.<

That's just not fair. :x

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#341 Postby Nerria » Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:16 am

Well, I'm here to say I am PISSED beyond ALL reasonable belief! I'd like to cuss and scream and punch something all day but I will rant instead!

So last night I'm logging off Fiesta, MSN, and AIM, everything seems fine and all too. I restart my computer just because I do that every night for some odd reason... however, while it was restarting it gave me this erorr about internal Windows corrupt files.

Needless to say I crapped myself thinking about what this would do. The DAMN computer then restores itself to factory default HOWEVER it left EVERY file on my computer BROKEN! As in, I can click my old game .exe, file works, pictures, musics, but it doesn't work!

What the HELL?! Not to mention ALL my favorites are wiped and I found this place by sheer love from Google.

The obvious question running in your mind is: "Why don't you have a back-up Ner?"

It isn't probable to have a back-up of some 400GB of files on a computer on discs, my flash drives hardly hold that much, and my drive on the computer seems to be unable to restore them without professional help; which is just not feasible at the time.

So now I have to find ALL my old sites again, all my old programs, cry at night at how story outlines and novels exceeding 300 pages not including countles character outlines, role-plays backed-up, chat logs, funniest qouets, favorite pictures, all my signatures and avatars are fucking GONE!

Sure I have the .png but I can never edit them again since I can't upload .pspimage files to the web! Every damn font is gone, all my brushes and texture sets are gone, all my C++ coding is gone, my engine is terribly damaged, documents on MMOs, life, and whatever all erased!

Oh my lord, I am so pissed I can't even explain it!

So fellow friends, I leave you with my long, long, long rant as I head to re-download everything I lost -- it will probably take me forever and an eternity.

I had years worth of stuff saved on this computer and it just dies and restores itself. Fucking Windows, what a stupid feature. Restore to Factory Default on crash... idiots. God damn them all.

/a very pissed off Nerria

:pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: :pissed:

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#342 Postby Dan » Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:28 pm

Holy hell! That's just.....catastrophic!

I hear file recovery programs exist, maybe you can try one of those (not completely sure about 'em though). I'm sorry that happened to you. I wish I could teleport to where you are so you could punch me all day (I'm kinda flabby, but I can use more tolerance to pain, so it would work out).
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#343 Postby Hari » Mon Sep 24, 2007 6:50 pm

Holy hell! That's just.....catastrophic!

I hear file recovery programs exist, maybe you can try one of those (not completely sure about 'em though). I'm sorry that happened to you. I wish I could teleport to where you are so you could punch me all day (I'm kinda flabby, but I can use more tolerance to pain, so it would work out).
File recovery programs DO exist, and you could get some and save your files, hopefully. Also, sadly to say, it sounds like your computer is either sheer crap, or you have a trojan, or both. :(

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#344 Postby Nerria » Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:37 am

Sheer crap? Lol... nah.

Punching Bag Dan? Lol... made me laugh. XD

My hard drive is basically busted I think -- that or I had a virus that I couldn't detect. Either way I'm buying a new HD this week to be sure.

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#345 Postby Ultimarad » Thu Sep 27, 2007 5:24 am

O_O Ouch. I'd sue Microsoft for dodgy software.

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