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Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:22 pm
by Echo
Sparrowhawk sleeping when packing should be done. <.<

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:28 am
by KawaiiNekoAznGrl
im so mad at goku and dm :x :x :x

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 7:50 am
by xZerOx
my cat threw up the couch

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:19 pm
by Hari
Our window Air units kept blowing out, so it got hot in here. :( Luckily we got to go swimming til we cooled off (though the water was really warm).

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:10 pm
by xZerOx
i tried flipping over the couch cushion where the cat puke was cause it still smelled and probably had germs or somethin on it and it was just nasty to think about it while i sat on it but now theres dust and nasty stuff stuck to the other part of the cushion from staying on one side for so long :|

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:10 pm
by Damasca Ramza
This week has being the worst week ever, I've being betrayed by one of my closest friends, being picked on heaps, felt abandoned and being hit the back really hard with a football. :x

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:07 pm
by Jlyons
Bleh, now I find out why I have so little time this weekend... there's a hurricane that's supposedly going to slam into the area on Wednesday. Our local meteorologists are saying that they'll know on Sunday where it's definitely going.

Next week is going to suck if Hurricane Dean starts making a beeline in my direction.

*crosses fingers*

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:11 pm
by Ultimarad
Eek. I hope things turn out ok?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 4:45 pm
by Hari
Bleh, now I find out why I have so little time this weekend... there's a hurricane that's supposedly going to slam into the area on Wednesday. Our local meteorologists are saying that they'll know on Sunday where it's definitely going.

Next week is going to suck if Hurricane Dean starts making a beeline in my direction.

*crosses fingers*
Wow, that sucks... lets hope it doesn't then :/

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 6:01 pm
by SparDanger
I shall pray for your well being Jly.

I'm mad because there's dust lodged in my nose and I CAN'T SNEEZE IT OUT YET!!! T_T T_T T_T

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 7:03 pm
by Jlyons
Thanks everyone. Once I know more, I'll pass along the info.
I'm mad because there's dust lodged in my nose and I CAN'T SNEEZE IT OUT YET!!! T_T T_T T_T
Gyah! That happened to me yesterday, except then, I started sneezing... and it STILL didn't come out. Sneezed at least 15 times over about 3 minutes before it came out. <.<

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 6:53 am
by Damasca Ramza
I keep dying on FlyFF, I've died about 15 times! GAH! :pissed:

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2007 4:49 pm
by Hari
My friends made me stay up really late last night, and we ended up getting up early today to help paint. =.=

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:46 pm
by Dan
The fact that I don't have a car.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:54 am
by Hari
I got sick of not being able to view Voice Clips on WLM PLus, so I completely uninstalled it, then reinstalled it to see if that fixed it. It didn't. So I got curious and reinstalled it, but this time I clicked 'yes' for the sponsor, and it magically worked. So it practically forces you to get the sponsor program (which is adware) or it won't work right! And now I'm getting pop up adds because of it! :pissed:

Also, a friend of mine on WLM, invited me to voice chat, but every time she does, it freezes my computer, and I tell her to warn me first. I keep telling her to warn me, and well this time she didn't, and I got mad at her for not warning me, so she decided to get pissy and act emo! :pissed:

Then there's the fact that I didn't get much sleep.

Also, my friend keeps pestering me to help him with his game, when he needs to learn how to do it on his own, and all he ever does, is whine, bitch, and complain, as well as be emo and an ass. The other day he was crabby 'cause he had to help his grandma paint, and I called him a crab, and he threw his rubber knife at me! He's lucky I was in a good mood, or I would of thrown it back at him, but harder.

On top of that, FireFox's spell checker is pissing me off, along with a lot of other things.

And I'm out of soda!

This is probably something you rarely see, but warning:

HATZI IS PISSED!!! :pissed: :pissed: :pissed: