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Re: Ctrl V

#197 Postby Xiaotsu » Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:48 pm


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Re: Ctrl V

#198 Postby Ultimarad » Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:36 am

Guild logo potential.

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Re: Ctrl V

#199 Postby SparDanger » Thu Jul 02, 2009 1:55 pm


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Re: Ctrl V

#200 Postby Imoen » Fri Jul 17, 2009 11:50 pm

Oh no not now
Please not now
I just settled into the glass half empty
Made myself at home
And so why now
Please not now
I just stopped believing in happy endings
Harbors of my own

But you had to come along didn't you
Break down the doors, throw open windows
Oh if you knew just what a fool you have made me

So what do I do with this?

This stray Italian greyhound
These inconvenient fireworks
This ice-cream-covered screaming hyperactive thought
God I just want to lay down
These colors make my eyes hurt
This feeling calls for everything that I am

I'm not that kind
I'm so good at shooting down any notion
This tired world could change
It's all been bought
Or at least that was my line
No use in spending all that emotion
When there's someone else to blame

But you had to come along didn't you
Rev up the crowd, rewrite the rule book
Where do I go when every 'no' turns into 'maybe'

So what do I do with this?

This sudden burst of sunlight
And me with my umbrella
Cross-indexing every weatherman's report
I was ready for the downslide
But not for spring to well up
This feeling calls for everything I can't afford
To know
Is possible now

What do I do
With a love that won;t sit still
Won't do what it's told
What do I do
With a love that won't sit still
PI, full of nostalgia

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Re: Ctrl V

#201 Postby Pokota » Tue Aug 11, 2009 5:53 am

Pokota was even more lost than the time Hibino had taken him skiing with her, but at least he could have told you what planet he was on then. He was able to see out the window from where he was, and he could see a mountain coming closer and closer. Just beyond it looked like a castle made of jewels and gemstones.

Rein poked him again. "You don't talk much, do you?" She was absorbed by the poking of Pokota.

Fine was too busy trying to make the balloon go up to talk. Poomo had a knack for flying the balloon, and usually made sure that they got where they were going without crashing.

So, because Fine was busy trying to make the balloon go up, and because Rein was watching him instead of the approaching mountain, Pokota had to actually say "Mountain!" to have them realize what was coming.

Unfortunately, by the time he had said it, Rein only had enough time to grab him before they crashed. Fine struggled to make the balloon go up, down, back, anywhere that wasn't forwards or down. She ended up making it go forwards and down.

They all landed on the mountain side. Pokota landed underneath Rein, who was then squished by Fine (who had held onto the controls long enough to tell it to go up and away).

"Ow ow ow! You're heavy!" ached Pokota, before remembering he was pretending to be a doll. Fine immediately panicked and started failing to run away screaming "AAAAGH! GHOST!", mostly because Rein had already grabbed Fine by the leg.

Pokota took this chance to try to escape, but Rein's other hand managed to grab him around the belly before he could get away. "I'm not going to let either of you get lost. Not when Jewel Castle is on the other side of this mountain."

Fine stopped trying to run away, and looked up. "Aaaaah!"

Rein sighed. "What, a ghost?"

"No, the balloon floated away!"

Rein looked up too, and then also went "Aaaaah!"

She dropped Pokota, and started to do a strange dance with her sister, saying "I hate hate hate this. I hate hate hate this..."

When they were done, Fine decided to carry Pokota. By the tail. He knew it would only be a matter of time before he "gave up on the silent treatment," as Rein had put it.

It was a long night, but they made it to Jewel Castle without further trouble.


The mysterious woman (whose name has not yet been mentioned) was placing calls.

Her headaches didn't usually last this long unless the future had been changed too much. But, every time she looked, it was the same as it should have been. Except for the blip that she couldn't locate.

"Hello, Mizuno residence."

"Ah, hello Dr. Mizuno. I'm a friend of Ami's. Is she home?"

"She isn't home right now. Would you like to leave a message?"

"Yes, tell her that her friends are meeting up at the shrine tomorrow afternoon. And tell her to tell her friends."

"Alright. Uh, will I be telling her which friend called her?"

"She'll find out tomorrow; I have a splitting headache."

"Have you tried taking Ibuprofen?"

"Yes, but it's too soon for it to kick in. Good night, Dr. Mizuno."

She looked into the future again. No change. Her head pulsed with pain.

Setsuna Meioh knew it was going to be a long night.


There was another explosion. Kamilu emerged out of a smoking laboratory with a blue face. Behind him emerged Robelia with a green face, and a strong-looking black haired boy with an orange face. They all coughed, and then laughed at each other's faces.

Kamilu sighed. "How much longer do you think it will take to find Pokota, Kanro?"

Kanro stopped laughing. His face was serious. "I'm thinkin' it'll take us until at least T'morrow t' find Pokota. Longer'n that if we keep blowin' ourselves up."

The odd trio sighed, and then went back into the laboratory.

Meanwhile, in the palace, there was another explosion. Ren, butler to the Princess, emerged from a smoking laboratory with a gray face. He was struggling to keep from smiling. He wiped off his face, and then knocked on the door.

"Erika-sama, I think we have another headache to deal with."

Erika emerged from the door with a purple face. Behind her was an explosion. "What?"

"Do you remember where Kobayashi Daichi said he was this morning?"

"No, actually, Himeko never told me where he was this morning..."

"Well then, let me suggest that you tell Himeko-sama and Daichi-san to keep a lookout for the cats he saw when he was in Juuban."
Let's all play Pokemon Crystal!
At the base of Mimir’s Well, at the foot of the World Tree Yggdrasil, there can be found an eye that had been removed from it’s owner’s face.

“Gross.” commented Fletcher.

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Re: Ctrl V

#202 Postby Pokota » Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:07 pm

It's my fault.

My name is Atour. Achilles Atour, and I'm directly responsible for the fates of seven people. Of course, it's not something I wanted in the first place, but then again, I had no idea that the Dephs would run wild once summoned instead of granting a wish.

Of course, in light of what's happened since, I guess calling the Dephs has been a good thing.

Hmm, maybe I should start from the beginning... no, wait, that would just confuse everyone. Let's start from where it's good to start from.


You see, I'm a magician of sorts. I am also an egotistical bastard, or at least I was.

In my arrogance and pride, I summoned to our planet the seven Dephs... five of them were once worshipped as gods, and the other two... uhh... you know, I'm not sure why they're mixed in here, but they were as powerful as the others... anyhow, I summoned them, according to a legend that he who gathers together the Namesake Dephs would be granted a wish.

O-of course I'd have wished for more wishes, but that's not the point. Either the Namesake Dephs didn't refer to Odin, Tiw, Luna, Thor, Freija, Saturn, and Sol, or else the legend was corrupted through the ages. Long story short, we've now got seven highly powerful beings running around the planet, and I'm short one wish.

But this isn't the story about my hunt for the Dephs, this is my story about who the Dephs gave power to.

About a week after the Dephs scattered, I got wind of a couple of Magical Girls in the nearby area. One of them called herself "The Daylight Witch" and the other one "The Power Witch".

I made the mistake of trying to coerce them into working for me with the promise of "I'll make you normal if you help me." Of course, Sol and Saturn warned them about me, and told them to not trust me one whit.

So, all I could do was sit and wait for news of another one to show up.

That's when Odin came to me.


You see, the Dephs that I called were once good friends, with Sol and Saturn being the leaders. But then, according to Odin, there was some sort of battle where Odin and the other four decided that Sol and Saturn weren't fit to be leaders anymore. Apparently they were about to decide it - violently - when I summoned them.

But then Odin told me the other part of their power. Once they bind themselves to a human, they die, and the human inherits their powers. Odin said that the reason Sol and Saturn had lost the right to lead was because they were all too willing to force the others into Binding.

"So, the two Magical Girls that surfaced recently...?"

"They are Sol and Saturn's inheritors, and I fear that the others have found inheritors as well."

"What of yourself?"

"I have found an inheritor, as well, but I want you to guide her."

"Who is she?"

"Follow me. Quickly, or else it may be too late!"


We went to a run down part of town. There was a girl lying on the ground. Apparently, she had had her eye shot out. Odin ran up to her.

"I can save her life, but only if I Bind with her."

All I could do was look at Odin. "You would Bind with her if it could save her? Do you even know her?"

"I would gladly Bind with her. I *am* the Odin worshipped by the Norse, and I *can* see into the future a little. She has a power that none of the other Inheritors has - the power to cause the other Inheritors to become friends."

And with that, he reached down and kissed her on the lips. There was a glow of light, and Odin faded from existance. The girl's eye opened.

She looked into my face, and I into hers... apparently, Odin couldn't fix her eye.

"Wh... where am I?"

"Follow me; I know as much about what's going on as you do, but I think we can find out the truth together."


We hurried back to my lab. In my mind, I kept calling Odin an idiot. She could easily have been saved if he had brought her to a hospital. But no, he had to "help" her himself.

She was out of breath. I took this chance to ask her some stuff. "What's your name, anyway?"

"W... Wendsday Haploti."

"Wendy Haploti..." I shrugged, and we started running again. I found it amusing that Odin chose someone who shared his name without realizing it. "We're almost there, Wendy, and then we can get you home."

I didn't know then why we had to hurry. Of course, if I had known then that my daughter Athena was going to join with a Fallen Dephs, maybe I would have run faster.

Or maybe, I would have run some other way.


We reached the lab, both out of breath, both exhausted. Athena scolded me before letting us inside.

"Another evening run? Shit, you're gonna work yourself to death at this rate."

"Language, 'Teena. We have a guest."

Hector, a labtech that worked more for Athena than for me, chuckled. "Boss, y'always did have a soft spot for the cute ones. How'dja bait her?"

I shot him a dirty look... I think. "Odin did this. I need to find out what sort of problems it'll cause for her."

Athena sighed and looked at Wendy. "Where're your parents?"

I don't think anyone else noticed, but before Wendy answered, she took a glance at me, as though to ask me for what to say. "My mom's dead, she died a few months back. I was sent to the city to live with my dad. He's probably looking for me."

Athena looked at her curiously. "You don't like your dad?"

"It's not that I don't like him, it's just... I didn't exactly have a choice in the matter. Papa and uncle Poko were all for letting me stay in Kokomo, but since uncle Poko can't afford to keep me, I had to move here."

I looked from Athena to Hector, before asking the next question. "It sounds like you had good friends in Kokomo."

Wendy sniffed, and nodded. "I wanted to stay with uncle Poko..."

She broke down and cried. I wanted to hug her, but Hector and Athena both gave me that "She's Not Yours To Hug" look. I sighed, and motioned to another labtech, Paris.

"Paris, go find Pandarus and Aeneas. I want the three of you to work on locating the two young ladies from the other day. Hector, I want you to continue to monitor for any signs of Magical Activity. Odin figures that the other four have already done what Sol and Saturn, and now Odin, have done. Athena, will you please see that our young guest makes it to her home safely?"

They each responded with "Of course."

Athena bent down and started to pull Wendy up. "Come on, dear, let's get you home before your dad starts to worry."

Let's all play Pokemon Crystal!
At the base of Mimir’s Well, at the foot of the World Tree Yggdrasil, there can be found an eye that had been removed from it’s owner’s face.

“Gross.” commented Fletcher.

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Re: Ctrl V

#203 Postby SparDanger » Sun Nov 01, 2009 9:01 am

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Re: Ctrl V

#204 Postby Pokota » Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:53 am

Let's all play Pokemon Crystal!
At the base of Mimir’s Well, at the foot of the World Tree Yggdrasil, there can be found an eye that had been removed from it’s owner’s face.

“Gross.” commented Fletcher.

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Re: Ctrl V

#205 Postby SparDanger » Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:32 pm


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Re: Ctrl V

#206 Postby SparDanger » Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:35 pm

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.

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Re: Ctrl V

#207 Postby Pokota » Thu Feb 11, 2010 8:31 pm

(Post removed of all content, have a nice day)
Let's all play Pokemon Crystal!
At the base of Mimir’s Well, at the foot of the World Tree Yggdrasil, there can be found an eye that had been removed from it’s owner’s face.

“Gross.” commented Fletcher.

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Re: Ctrl V

#208 Postby Pokota » Sun Jun 20, 2010 6:42 pm

Okay, I'm working on my games again, and I'm looking at the plans for the maps and it's, like, no good designs whatsoever. I can put the maps together in the engine and plug in events and whatnot, but the maps that I make on my own all look like rejected Pokemon towns.

Anyone who remembers the travesty that was "Descendants of Zelda: Sour Dreams" will know what I mean.

SO: Here's my first request. I would like someone who can plan maps (and ideally make maptiles as well). I'm not talking world maps or anything super-large scale - mostly Town and Dungeon maps. I can handle wide, open spaces and rooms with little to no non-sprite decor. Blueprints are fine; like I said, I can put the maps together.

The other request I am putting out is a little more normal. I can't really draw, and my art all looks the same. Yes, I can see the differences between a Molion and a Contergon, but that won't matter unless everyone else can too. SO: I also would like someone who can do sprites. I do have a list around here somewhere of specific things I need and want made, but for 80% of the list either the name can change to fit the sprite, or else the sprite doesn't really matter. If you want me to draw something for you to work from, that's fine with me. I'm more story and scripting focused anyway, so the visual arts are beyond my ken.

If you're interested, PM me. I'm willing to work with multiple people for different parts, though, so don't think that I'm only partnering up with the first two or three people that apply. Hell, anyone who applies will get something asked of them.


Maptiles are 20 px by 20 px each, arranged in a 16 by 10 grid with no dividing lines. I know that sounds absurd, but if I import with dividing lines, I'll get dividing lines on the maps when I put them together. Color Depth is 24-bit or 8-bit.

Sprites all need to be in 4-bit color (16 color), with one obvious "transparent" color, with no dividing lines between frames.

Walkabouts: Eight 20x20 sprites, two for each cardinal direction. Top priority.
Heroes: Eight 32x20 sprites, one of each of the following: Character Idle - Stepping Forward - Attack frame 1 - Attack frame 2 - Use Something - Hurt - Weak - Dead. They must be facing the left.
Attacks: Three 50x50 frames for each attack. Low priority.
Weapons: (One strip of) Two 24x24 frames for each weapon, with obvious handles. Low priority.
Character Portraits: 50x50, one frame, very low priority, very annoying to implement. If you want to do one, just ask.
All Other Sprites are 80x80, one frame, facing right. I have a list of what I "need" need that, well, 'needs' to be taken care of first, but after that it's "stats fits the design". Right now I don't anticipate any random battles, but if there's enough people wanting something to kill time with (and willing to help out), I may just add them.

I know at least one of you is going to recognize the numbers here ;)

Once I get working, poke me every once in a while to get me to show what I've done. I hope to have some progress to show once every month at the very least.

(I do ask that anyone with experience spriting Sailor Moon related stuff say so and provide examples. I have a very... specific request of those people at this time)
Let's all play Pokemon Crystal!
At the base of Mimir’s Well, at the foot of the World Tree Yggdrasil, there can be found an eye that had been removed from it’s owner’s face.

“Gross.” commented Fletcher.

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Re: Ctrl V

#209 Postby Hari » Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:23 pm


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Re: Ctrl V

#210 Postby Echo » Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:33 pm

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